Gwybodaeth am StayWise Cymru

Mae Stay Wise Cymru yn cysylltu adnoddau addysgol ar gyfer y gwasanaethau brys a gwasanaethau diogelwch allweddol o fewn un gwefan. Rydym wedi gwneud hyn i gefnogi athrawon a ymarferwyr diogelwch yn y gymuned pan yn cyflwyno negeseuon hanfodol am ddiogelwch.

Mae’n ffordd fwy effeithiol a chyson o gysylltu gweithgareddau â’r cwricwlwm, ac i rannu sgiliau bywyd hanfodol i bobl ifanc a fydd yn diogelu cenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Drwy ddefnyddio’r adnoddau sydd ar y safle, gallwn atgyfnerthu cysylltiadau rhwng cymunedau a’r gwasanaethau brys, gan wella iechyd a diogelwch pawb yn ein cymunedau.

StayWiseCymru yw canlyniad yr hyn y gellir ei gyflawni drwy uno uchelgais a phenderfyniad y gwasanaethau brys a sefydliadau sy’n canolbwyntio ar ddiogelwch, yn ein hymdrech i leihau anafiadau a marwolaethau y gellir eu hosgoi yn ein cymunedau.

Mae’r sefydliadau a restrir isod wedi cydweithio i gasglu ac adnewyddu adnoddau ac maent wedi ymrwymo i ddatblygu’r cynnwys yn barhaus i gael effaith positif ar ymddygiad pobl ifanc heddiw, ac am flynyddoedd i ddod. 

Dan arweiniad Cyngor Cenedlaethol y Prif Swyddogion Tân mewn partneriaeth ag Underwriters Laboratories, nod y rhaglen hon yw cyfuno gweithgarwch addysg ar ddiogelwch ar draws y DU. 


Mae ein gwefan yn 'siop un stop' o adnoddau dysgu gyda diogelwch a lles wrth wraidd yr amcanion canlynol.

  • Darparu llyfrgell ddysgu y gall dysgwyr a phersonel y gwasanaeth ymddiried ynddi.
  • Lleihau dyblygu wrth greu adnoddau.
  • Lleihau costau cynhyrchu adnoddau ar draws y cydweithio.
  • Gwella cysondeb negeseuon.
  • Arbed amser i athrawon wrth gynllunio.
  • Rhannu negeseuon diogelwch critgiol drwy weithgareddau craidd y cwricwlwm.
  • Cynyddu'r amser cyswllt sydd gan bobl ifanc gyda negeseuon diogelwch allweddol.
  • Lleihau marwolaethau ac anafiadau y gellir eu hosgoi.

Wrth inni ddatblygu ein hadnoddau rydym hefyd yn datblygu ein perthynas gyda sefydliadau eraill o'r un anian a bob cwr o'r byd. Rydyn yn cydweithredu gyda sefydliadau'r sector cyhoeddus sy'n canolbwyntio ar ddiolgelwch i gynyddu ein llyfgrell ddysgu a rennir, nid yn unig i ddatblygu cynnwys newydd ond hefyd i ddatblygu ein hadnoddau presennol yn nifer o ieithoedd er mwyn sichrau bod ein negeseuon yn hygyrch i bawb ac yn y pen draw i gyflawni ein hamcanion.

Rhaglen dan arweiniad

National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC)

The National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) is the professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service (FRS). NFCC drives improvement and development throughout the FRS, delivering an approach where everyone works together and supports the development of local services to ensure the best outcomes for their communities.
NFCC leads and supports a number of safety initiatives and develops national safety messaging, interventions and advice with government and partners. These are supported by FRSs to raise public awareness and reduce preventable deaths across a number of areas from water, road, home and, of course, fire safety. NFCC also uses our influence and expertise to lobby for change to keep people safe and well.


Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE)

Ambulance Services play a vital role in responding to 999 emergencies and they also help resolve 111 calls for less urgent problems. It is important for everyone to know how to make a 999 call and what to do in an emergency until help arrives. Your local ambulance service has resources to help. The Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) are here to help them help you. AACE is a membership organisation that represents all UK ambulance services, bringing together a central team of ambulance service experts in one place to help develop and improve patient care across the country.

Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI)

Educating young people about how to keep safe, in, on and around water is fundamental to saving lives at sea and a core part of the RNLI’s water safety activity. The more young and at risk people we can reach with our water safety messages, the more lives we can save now and in the future. As a teacher or youth leader, you really can make a lifesaving difference. We’ve put together a suite of teaching ideas and materials to help you engage young people with essential – and lifesaving – water safety lessons in schools and youth groups. You’ll find videos, guided discussions, problem solving activities – and more – specifically tailored for primary and secondary school aged children.

Fire Kills

The Home Office’s Fire Kills campaign works in partnership with local fire and rescue services and the National Fire Chiefs Council to raise awareness of potentially life-saving fire safety messages, encourage fire safer behaviour and maintain the historically low levels of fire-related fatalities.  This supports the first duty of the Government, which is to keep citizens safe.

HM Coastguard

HM Coastguard coordinates all maritime search and rescue by managing a truly national network of Coastguard teams, lifeboats and Coastguard rescue helicopters around the entire UK.

There are 3,500 volunteer coastguard rescue officers around the UK coast who are trained in search and rescue skills. They are based in local teams along the coastline and most live and work in their local community. They train and respond to emergencies day and night as volunteers.

Coastguard teams can be called out by the Coastguard coordination centre to:

  • rescue people in trouble at sea or on the coast, cliffs or trapped in mud;
  • search for missing people;
  • report and deal with pollution and other hazards;
  • help other emergency services and local authorities during emergencies like flooding.

Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS)

The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) is the charity that enhances communities, so everyone can enjoy being in, on or near the water safely, because every life is worth saving.
Around 700 people drown in the UK and Ireland every year and many more suffer injury, some life-changing, through non-fatal experiences. Many of these incidents are avoidable, with the correct level of knowledge and training.
As the leading provider of water safety and drowning prevention education, we collaborate, campaign, educate and train to help give everyone the confidence to enjoy the water, safely.

National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC)

The National Police Chiefs Council provides a coordination role on behalf of policing. The Child Centred Policing portfolio sits within it and leads on early intervention and engagement with children and young people, providing the lead for police working with schools. Engaging with children and young people in their space is essential to build trust and confidence between young people and the police, in order to keep them safe from harm and prevent them from becoming victims or offenders of crime.

The Fire Fighters Charity

Delivering specialist health and wellbeing information and support to enable a healthier and happier UK fire services community, The Fire Fighters Charity blends innovative digital services with face-to-face and community-based programmes, to offer each of its beneficiaries tailored support to meet their individual need.

To find out more visit, call the Charity’s Support Line on 0800 3898820 or download the My Fire Fighters Charity app. The Charity supports serving and retired fire and rescue service personnel, their dependants and other eligible members of the UK fire services community.

Swim Wales

Our Vision

Aquatics for everyone for life

Our Mission

A world leading NGB delivering excellence, inspiring our nation to enjoy, participate, learn and compete in Welsh Aquatics

Swim Wales is the National Governing Body for Aquatics and it associated disciplines in Wales which include Swimming, Water-Polo, Para Swimming, Diving, Artistic Swimming, Open Water and Masters Swimming. The organisation was formed in 1897 as the Welsh Amateur Swimming Association and adopted the trading name of Swim Wales in 2003.

It is responsible for establishing the laws of Aquatic sport, for organising certification and education programmes for coaches, officials and teachers, and for recreational swimming, aiming to ensure that everybody in Wales has the opportunity participate commencing with learn to swim programmes in a safe and fun environment.

Swimming is a vital lifesaving skill and Swim Wales is committed to ensuring their development work includes and provides everyone the opportunity to learn to swim through the Learn to Swim Wales framework.

Swim Wales affiliated organisations are currently structured regionally, with over 80 affiliated member clubs who together have a combined membership of over 11,000 members across South East Wales, West Wales and North Wales regions. Acknowledgement must be given to the huge legion of volunteers who give up their time freely in clubs.

Swim Wales manages the development of competitive swimming to progress skills from foundation to international level, and organises competitions, including closed, national and open championships to provide relevant opportunities.

We are committed to providing an environment that is open to everyone and free from harm, our affiliated organisations are required to adopt Swim Wales Child Safeguarding Policy and Swim Wales Adults at Risk Policy and to have a club Welfare Officer whose responsibility is to embed the good practises the policies portray.

Welsh Government

The devolved government for Wales.

The Welsh Government consists of:

  • The First Minister
  • Welsh Ministers
  • The Council General

They are supported by civil servants who work across devolved areas that include key areas of public life such as health, education and the environment.

The Welsh Government Board provides collective leadership to the organisation as a whole.

Natural Resources Wales

It’s our job to look after Wales’ natural resources and what they provide for us: to help reduce the risk to people and properties of flooding and pollution; to look after our special places for people’s well-being and wildlife; to provide timber; and to work with others to help us all manage them sustainably. Our people have the knowledge, expertise, and passion to help make the sustainable management of natural resources a reality.

For more information

Network Rail

We own, repair and develop the railway infrastructure in England, Scotland and Wales. That’s 20,000 miles of track, 30,000 bridges, tunnels and viaducts and the thousands of signals, level crossings and stations. We manage 20 of the country’s largest stations, while all the rest – over 2,500 – are run by the train operating companies.


Funded by the UK Government

Some of the fire safety resources are produced in partnership with the Home Office and funded by the UK Government.